The market of supermagnete in 2015
2014-11-20 17:06:08

    According to our research, the permanent magnet market will continue to grow, after a deep potential economic correction from 2013 to 2014,permannet magnet requirement will continue to increase.and more areas will need magnets, such as automotive including electric and hybrid, electric bicycles,wind turbines etc.
    In 2012, the neodymium magnets production in China was 50,000 Tons, a recent statistic reasult shows that Chinese ndfeb production may be much closer to 80,000 Tons. as the Economic Crisis in 2008, Chinese rare earth magnet exports rapiddly dropped to 9,400 Tons in 2009. Then it rebounded to 16,400 tons in 2011.
   Individual magnet producers will continue to implement "selective" inhouse recycling. Generic magnet recovery from motors and other electronic equipment will be limited. 
   China will continue to be the big dog in magnet market. the producing capability will continue to increase in China, at least 80 percent of global neodymium magnets production will be in China in 2015. and China will continue to keep the low price.
   As we can predict, it's still a year of attractive growth for the magnet industry in 2015, Are you ready for this good opportunity?